Reusable shipping box in various sizes
Reusable shipping box in e-commerce
Submitted by: Boomerang Systems UG (limited liability)
Material: Plastic
The submission is ready for the market but has not yet been introduced (prototype).
What the jury said:
This reusable shipping packaging for e-commerce can be folded as small as a maxi letter format, can be reused up to 50 times and is recyclable. It is also resource-friendly, generating up to 80% material savings compared to disposable packaging and offering the possibility of using recycled plastic.
This means textiles as well as small items can be shipped safely. The customer can fold and store the packaging to save space or return it free of charge via the normal mail channels using the integrated return label and simple Velcro fasteners.
The functionality, enhanced durability and easy return option makes this plastic shipping box from Boomerang a new type of reusable packaging for e-commerce.