Stephan Rösgen
Rechtsanwalt, MBA
Stephan Rösgen, born 1958, native German.
Holds a Law Degree from the University of Cologne and a Bar-Exam from Germany. Additionally Mr. Rösgen holds an MBA degree from University of Toronto.
Started his career as a lawyer in the German law firm “Graf von Westphalen” where he practised mostly commercial- and anti-trust law as well as law of trade and business/company contracts.
In 1990 Stephan joined the Green Dot Organization DSD in Germany from its very beginning and was with the company for 15 years serving as Head of Department for the waste-management contracts/network all over Germany.
As a member of the Board of the German Waste Management Association Mr. Rösgen implemented the Association’s European Affairs office in Brussels and joined Ball Packaging-Europe as Vice President Regulatory Affairs/Sustainability in May 2010.