Every day, each of us without exception has contact with the packaging industry.
Through its products, the industry bridges the gap between consumers on the one hand and producers and distributors on the other. It is also crucially important for the movement of goods and for maintaining essential supplies to the population.
More than 500,000 people are employed in the packaging industry in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Reflecting its strong customer focus, high flexibility, advanced production processes and a driving role in the development of innovative solutions are among the industry’s defining characteristics.
86% of all packaging producers have their own research and development department.
The packaging industry serves a broad range of businesses operating in many different segments. It is very heterogeneous and encompasses a wide variety of players.
More than 90% of these companies are classic SMEs including many hidden champions.
Influences on the packaging industry
As a result of its huge economic and social relevance, the packaging industry is exposed to a multitude of political and societal influences.
Packaging has a complex value chain and the spectrum of organizations in the business of packaging is correspondingly diverse: from manufacturers of packaging materials, supplies and machinery through logistics specialists, carriers, printers, distributors and branded companies, packers, design agencies and consultants to providers of disposal services and numerous others.
Total output of the packaging industry
The German packaging industry has a total output exceeding 50 billion euros, equivalent to around 2% of the gross domestic product. About 70% of turnover is generated in Germany and the remaining 30% internationally.
Well over 5000 companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland are involved in packaging in one way or another.