Hans-Lothar Domröse
Former Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
CEO Domröse-Consulting
General Domröse joined the German Bundeswehr in 1973. During his career he passed various departments and in 2011, he was appointed German Military Representative MC/NATO and EU in Brussels. In December 2012, he assumde command of Joint Force Command Brunssum. He took over the responsibility for ISAF, the International Security Assistance Force, a NATO-led security mission in Afghanistan to train the Afghan National Security Forces to assist the country in rebuilding key government institutions. General Domröse got retired in March 2016 with a Grand Tattoo given by H.E. Dr. Ursula von der Leyen.
General Domröse works now as a consultant for the NATO, PwC, IBM and Bird & Bird, LLP.